Fall Prep Part 3: Inside the Home

Fall Prep Part 3: Inside the Home

Now that the weather is starting to change. There are several items inside your home that should be addressed.

Switching from cold to hot: You’ll want to ensure your furnace is turned on and working properly. This is especially important because of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. There are likely many companies that can turn on and tune up your furnace, making sure there are no dangerous leaks. In addition, you’ll want to turn off your cooling system and seal any ducts.

Windows and Doors: Be sure to seal holes and cracks which can cause warm air to seep out or cold air to seep in and significantly raise your heating bill.

Reprogram your thermostat: Adjusting for the colder season and shifting schedules.

Fireplace and Chimney Cleaning: If your home has a fireplace, now would be the time to open and clean it, even starting a fire or two to get the chimney working.

Another Great Tip: Store containers of ice melt around your home outside doors. This makes it much easier to apply as you’re coming and going and prevents any nasty spills to you and your family and friends.

Happy Fall Y'all!